Q: Hi
order 2180601092200
I got my glasses and have major problems! Both pairs are way too big and wide for my face. They fall off!
The Reader Glasses are not clear- it is blurry compared to my current reading glasses
The Distance nowhere does it say the arms are wood! I tried to have them adjusted and of course the wood broke! This is BAD
I am very unhappy about both-NOW What?
A: Dear customer, I\'m sorry to hear that. Please send the picture of your pescription and glasses to us by email. We are proud to offer free and reasonable shipping to all of our customers, but we are unable to cover the cost for return shipping. Should you chose to return your glasses, you will be responsible for the cost of postage back to us. This cost often amounts to the same, if not more than, the cost of the glasses being sent back. Prescribed glasses will receive a refund of 50% their original cost due to manufacturing error.